
I asked my almost 13 year old son, “If you could do one thing to help people, what would it be?”. His answer surprised and inspired me:

“I think we need a good news service. The normal news is pretty much all negative and it makes people depressed, thinking the world really is stuffed.”

I decided his idea was worth bringing into reality, well, virtual reality at least, and this site was born.

The vision of this site is that it will become a community of people, especially young people, who will both contribute and consume the content. Ideally, the content will inspire and empower people to take the action they can take to be effective in whatever world issue they are passionate about.

The idea is people become inspired by becoming informed about things that are being done, where people are making a difference and by connecting with projects that interest them.

Taking action, especially within a like-minded community, is a great antidote to feeling overwhelmed and hopeless about something important.

Hopefully this site helps link people with projects to people who want to take action but might not know how.

To contribute an article, please register as a user and submit an article for us to edit and publish.